Robin Hood

Robin Hood 

We read the tale of Robin Hood and...

now here we are..little Robin Hoods ourselves!

What are you thinking about Robin Hood?

We are practicing our own play called "Robin Hood Saves The Christmas" in Finland.
These are the actors in the first act. Sally, Ilias, Nana and Shamil are a family who have to pay too much taxes for the selfish prince. We had good rehearsals!


After reading the story we tried to find our Hungarian "Robin", so we organized an archery competition, and the youngest made a kind of Robin Costume. It was a nice day!


A greedy and selfish prince Juhana with his men is making the life in Nottingham horrible. He is collecting too much taxes from the hardworking people. When the sheriff takes the farmer's family's last coins just before Christmas, things start to change.
The brave girl goes to Robin Hood and asks his help. Robin and his green fellows decide to participate in an archery contest. Robin wears disguise and competes against the king's knight de Garde and wins a golden box. He decides to share it with the people and save the holidays. Robin and his friends are so happy that they decide to sing and celebrate together.

This video was filmed in our school's Christmas party. The actors are first graders (class 1b).

All the wonderful actors were given roses after the show. Here are pictures that were taken after the show in the class 1d. 


The special education class 2-3G is one of the classes that I have been reading the story of Robin Hood. After this week's reading we did a target and some arrows. Students wrote words from the story to the arrows. 


First and second graders are reading and listening the story of Robin Hood. We are doing simple reading and writing excercises as well as colouring and fun games. 


"Ο Ρομπέν των δασών". Από τα παιδιά της πρώτης τάξης.


Alisa and Jnah interviewed Sophie who was Robin Hood in our school's Christmas play. We filmed the interview and made a story of it for the OWL magazine. 


After reading Robin Hood's story in class, the students discovered and practiced archery during PE lesson.

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