The Fougères Book Fair
If the legends were told, they are now written in books and albums. As part of the Fougères Book Fair, CE1 students welcomed in their class Céline Claire, an author of Youth Literature. She answered students' questions and told us in a very concrete way the creation of a book, from the first idea to the publication of the book, through the long writing, the partnership with the illustrator and the publisher. Céline Claire finally offered the students a little activity inspired by one of her books "Scared of nothing". This makes you want to read!
Read and make read
Each week, a retired volunteer comes to meet a small group of CE1 for a session combining relaxation / meditation and storytelling. A sensitive as well as intellectual way to meet a tale or a legend.
Documentary at the TV
Documentaire d'Arte sur la légende partagée entre la Bretagne et l'Angleterre.
A documentary film about King Arthur, a shared myth between Britanny and England ( in French.. or German...)
Documentaire scientifique: Le roi Arthur, mythe ou réalité?
Documentaire scientifique: Le roi Arthur, mythe ou réalité?
During this period, the CM1 worked on the albums Arthur and the enchanting Merlin and the knights of the round table. We read them out loud, we studied the vocabulary and produced the mind map of each legend.
Concours Incorruptible sur les contes
Once a month, students go to the Fleurigné library to familiarize themselves with this place of reading. Children enjoy a story-themed course!
An exhibition on King Arthur
All of the school's students went to the Saint-Hilaire des Landes library to discover an exhibition on King Arthur and the main characters of the legend. The children were thus able to make links with the discovery of history they could have done in the classroom.
Here in Britanny, Merlin and Arthur are still living, somewhere int the Brocéliande forest... juwt few little kilometers from the school... whoooouuuhooooou !!! The CE1 discovered it ! :-)
The CE1, reading the story of Icarus and Deadalus. Reading out loud is not so simple... :-)
CM2: vocabulary, poems, reading, art and geometry about mythology theme !
- During this period, CM1 students studied three stories from mythology, such as the legend of Daedalus and Icarus, Ulysses and the Cyclops and the twelve works of Hercules.For this first, they studied the narrative scheme, made a presentation and established a mind map recalling the heroes, the places of action ... ..
- For the second, they read aloud and thought about an individual mind map.
- For the last, they read individually, answered a few comprehension questions and made arrow words on the different works of Hercules.
They were also able to discover the gods of Greek mythology through the visual arts: pixel art and the monsters of mythology by using their imagination based on a given description. (the cerberus, the minotaur, the hydra ...)
In the class, the pupils played the game of the “7 families” of mythology with the families of the gods, monsters, heroes, goddesses….
Finally, through fun reading, we discovered lots of exciting stories!
- Started with the reading of the legend " the four bars" from Catalonia, some children painted shields in relation with the different partner countries.
Team games about the legends read.
After a reminder and a summary of each of the 6 legends, the students participated in different games "in the manner of Livia" (Hungarian teacher) around the characters and places encountered during these readings.
> Chain: children introduce themselves in English.
> Tell a lie: the children listen to 4 propositions around the 6 legends and must find the one that is false.
> Spelling game: the teacher spells a word and if the pupils find the word before the end, they earn a point otherwise the teacher wins the point.
> Character Chant: Each student has an assigned character and using a rhythm defined by the teacher, they must say the name of their character and call another character.
> Explain the word: children make a line (like a train) and have their first classmate guess a word using synonyms or expressions.
> Buy a letter: in teams of 3 or 4, students start with a sum of € 10 and can buy letters to guess the words. For each letter purchased, they lose € 1 and for each guessed letter, they earn € 1.
All these fun games allowed the students to memorize the main characters and the places of the different legends.
OWL bookmarks
Children from different classes prepare OWL project bookmarks for all the pupils of the school ! Thank you :-) A useful tool when reading !
2 hours to set up a little play.
The Maze of Daedalus
Daedalus built a labyrinth to lock up the Minotaur (half-man, half-bull). Theseus killed him and managed to get out of the labyrinth thanks to the breadcrumb (idea given by Daedalus). Minos, the king of Crete, disgruntled condemned Dédale and his son Icarus to live in their turn in the labyrinth. They managed to escape by making wings, but Icarus, having gotten too close to the sun, fell into the sea.
It is this legend that the students have told in turn before they start to make their labyrinth. Two by two, they stuck straws on a paper labyrinth fixed on a box lid. They then placed the Minotaur there. The object of the game: to move a ball or a magnet representing Theseus (using another magnet held under the cover) along the route to the Minotaur and repeat the journey out of the labyrinth.
The labyrinths made were divided into the different classes of the school.The gallery of heroes
A group of 12 students worked around the characters of the legends of the different countries read in class.
Previously, characters like King Arthur, Merlin the Enchanter, Attila, Icarus, Guifré el Pelos, VaïnämÖïnen and Robin Hood were drawn with felt-tip pens on large boxes.
The students used different materials (crepe paper, tissue paper, paint, felt, felt, etc.) to decorate these characters.
In the end, these heroes will be exposed on the stairs of our school in order to constitute a gallery.
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